
Your financial support is critical to Amherst Meals on Wheels

Donations to Amherst Meals on Wheels, Inc. allow for the partial subsidization of those unable to afford the total cost of meals. Corporate or individual contributions may be made at any time to the Amherst Meals on Wheels, Inc. office. Donations may also be made to honor a special occasion, a memorial or in the form of a bequest. Call 716-636-3065 for further information. Select donate or scan the QR code to donate via PayPal.

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Questions or comments?

We look forward to hearing from you.

370 Audubon Parkway, Amherst NY 14228


Amherst Meals on Wheels, Inc. is funded in part by the Erie County Department of Senior Services

We thank the Amherst Generations Foundation who is a proud supporter of Amherst Meals on Wheels, Inc.

Amherst Meals on Wheels, Inc. is recognized by the New York State Office for the Aging