Volunteers Welcome!
Volunteers are always needed to assist in the preparation and delivery of the Amherst Meals on Wheels Program. Call 636-3065 and sign up today.
Please use the form below to provide us with some basic information about yourself or download the PDF File and complete the application. At your convenience, mail us your application or stop by our office at the Amherst Senior Center at 370 Audubon Parkway, Amherst NY 14226.

Volunteer Application
PLEASE NOTE: Since your participation with Amherst Meals on Wheels, Inc. is on a volunteer basis, we ask that you do not accept compensation of any kind from those we serve. Thank you.
Mandatory Volunteer Procedures
The following procedures are established by healthcare authorities and have been developed for the protection of both our clients and volunteers. It is MANDATORY THAT THESE PROCEDURES BE FOLLOWED IN ALL CASES AND AT ALL TIMES.
- IF CLIENT HAS FALLEN – Do not attempt to move client. Call 911 for assistance, then call AMOW office at 636-3065. If possible, it is best to use the client’s phone or another landline to call 911. If you call 911 from a cell phone make sure you have the exact address of the client to provide to the 911 operator and you may be transferred from one operator to another.
- If client is unconscious, short of breath, experiencing chest pains or other serious symptoms, call 911 for assistance, then call the AMOW office at 636-3065. Do not attempt to move client.
- If client is bleeding, call 911 for assistance. Remember that blood and body fluids can contain viruses. If you must attempt to stop bleeding, make sure you use a protective barrier (i.e. latex gloves) between yourself and the blood or bodily fluids. Latex gloves are available in the office. You may keep a pair in your car for an emergency. If you do not have disposable gloves available, use a plastic bag (trash, shopping or sandwich) over your hands to create a barrier.
- Thoroughly wash hands after any contact and before and after assisting participant with opening meals, cutting meat, etc.
- Problems encountered along the route should be CALLED IN IMMEDIATELY TO THE AMOW OFFICE AT 636-3065. With prior approval and consent from the Amherst Meals on Wheels office, meals may be left for a client in the client’s refrigerator or with someone willing to accept the meals on their behalf. The arrangement will be noted on the route sheet if one has been made.
As an Amherst Meals on Wheels Volunteer, you provide a vital service to Amherst residents in need. Your commitment, efficiency, and compassion are commendable and we thank you for your continuing efforts to serve our Amherst community.
Please sign below, acknowledging that you understand these procedures.
Mandatory Volunteer Signature
Questions or comments?
We look forward to hearing from you.
370 Audubon Parkway, Amherst NY 14228